Virtual education: A Brief Overview of Its Role in The Current Educational System

José Miguel Orellana Parapi, Lilis Imas Maesaroh, Basuki Basuki, Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri


Virtual education is a growing and evolving system that creates new opportunities for forming and upgrading people’s skills with a non-presential factor, which allows students from different regions and backgrounds to gain instant access to quality education and knowledge. In recent years, many online platforms have been joining to these new systems allowing to create a virtual environment, even professional institutions, such as colleges and universities, are offering their entire specialty in different online programs. Although, online education has evolved and improved since its apparition after the internet commercialization, many problems still remain unsolved and challenging its effectiveness; self-motivations and virtual drop-out are one of the common factor among virtual learners, besides the lack of required technology and resources in different places, especially in developing countries. Even there are problems, virtual education is changing the way how we consume educational content and it is helping to connect students and teachers all over the world in a gain-to-gain way, so in the coming years, its role is expected to be more critical in our education system. One case in new model class, teleconferencing. It is conducting a meeting over the telephone, is a one model of learning directly. It is distance learning management for people in conveying a message in different locations. It saves time and travelling costs. Despite the convenience, teleconferences are often run poorly, due to inadequate planning or lack of understanding of the technology. This paper is to observe new model of learning teaching, exploring the effectiveness in raising student’s motivation and find out the solution of lacking technology. The study is qualitative and quantitative, it finds out the factor of student’s interest and finally it is used all scores to get a result. The result is most students are interested on the model of learning teaching and the score is rising up 45%. The new model of learning teaching has some benefits: innovative, portable, economic, authentic, live interactive and recordable. It is suggested additional training for academicians at the same time identify their personality traits have a significant difference in their acceptance of new idea for teaching and learning. It will support new behaviour towards new platform to fully implement this technology in an institution and the integrated technology will raise the community’s participation in development


Virtual education, media, innovative, online platforms.

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ISSN. 2302-6677

Publisher: Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia,, Telp: 0275-321494

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