Ulul Reza


This research analyzed the kind of flouting maxim in the movie “Mona Lisa Smile” based on Grice’s cooperative principle. When utterances flouted maxim, it generates an implicature. In conducting the research, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data are taken from dialogues in the movie. The researcher explained them descriptively. There are some steps in the way of collecting data. They are watching the movie entitled “Mona Lisa Smile” for several times to understand the whole story, downloading the script from internet and copying it to the movie, taking all utterances which contains flouting maxims as the data, and giving a code for each datum. The steps of analyzing data are describing the data form of, describing the context, analyzing the data based on Grice’s cooperative principle, and analyzing the implicatures. The results show that in this research, the maxim flouted 25 times of whole dialogues in the movie. The maxim of quantity flouted 15 times or 60%, the maxim of quality flouted 1 time or 4%, the maxim of relation flouted 5 times or 20%, and the maxim of manner flouted 4 times or 16%. The result shows that all flouting maxims were found in this movie. All maxims which are flouted by the speaker generate the implicature. It depends on the context and situation where the dialogues occur.

Keywords – Analysis, Grice’s Maxim, Cooperative Principle, Mona Lisa.

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ISSN. 2302-6677

Publisher: Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia,, Telp: 0275-321494

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