The objective of the study is the ultimate instructional objective of English teaching is the mastery of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading,and writing. The role of grammar have been diterminer as just one of the language componens, besede vocabularya and spelling or pronunciation, to support yhe matery of the four language skills.the teaching of grammar as a sparate teachingactivity will not only conducted if it is necessary to support the language skill.Bcause of this, as cosidered by the leaners to be the most difficult materials in learning English, the mastery of structure, including the sehtence structure,will be decreased. To know the student’s mastery of English sentence stucture as the aimof this reseach, the wiriter conducted a research about it.Based on the title “THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF ENGLISH SENTENCE STRUCTURE OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MTs GUPPI AMBAL KEBUMEN IN ACADEMIC YEAR 1012 / 2013”, the writer will investigate on the masery of English sentence structure as the variable,possesed by the students of the second of MTs GUPPI Ambal as the population in the descriptive and experimental research.In collecting the data, the writer uses the observation, interview, questionaire, document, and test method. To coplete the data he use three research insrument, namely: questionsire, test , and document. For the questionaire the writer give 25 question to be answered by the students. And for the test, he divides it into two kinds of test: multiple choise of 15 items, and essay test which consist of 5 items of wofd arrangement.After analizing the data, the writer knows that average scores achieve by the students is less than 6,0 . the average is 3,2. So he concludes that the mastery of English sentence structure of the second year of MTs GUPPI Ambal Kebumen is not good enough or unsatisfactory