The Analysis of Reliability an English Subject Final Test and the Factors Affecting Result at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kebumen in the Academic Year of 2021/2022

Setiya Cahya Ningsih, Abdul Ngafif, Ismawati Ike Nugraeni


The purpose of this study was to discover the reliability of the English final test and to describe the factors that affect the reliability test results of students at MAN 1 Kebumen. This research has a mixed method. This research involved a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The instruments used by researchers to obtain data were documentation, closed questionnaires, and open interviews. the result of the final English
Reliability test was 0.821. This means that the reliability of the English summative test is in a very high classification (0.80-1.000). Judging from the results of the questionnaire, the factors that affect the reliability of the test are related to the variety of people, the composition of the test items, the variation in the administration of test instructions, and the variation in the test environment. From the results of interviews, the factors of test reliability are mastery of learning materials, namely preparation for studying before facing exams, strategies for facing exams, physical condition of students, clarity of exam instructions, environmental conditions of exams and time allocation.

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