The use of “Minimax book” by BobDignen to Improve Student’sWritingAbilityof Business Letter, and Email at Eleventh Grade of SMK Muhamammadiyah 1 Borobudur in Academic Year 2012/2013

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English is one language that become as International language and used in almost countries in the world. In Indonesia.The use of business letter and email for students in SMK students is very important.Expert in writing business letter and email can make the students ready when they get a job after graduated from SMK.. From the statement above, the researcher conducts the research entitled “The use of “Minimax book” by BobDignen to Improve Student’sWritingAbilityof Business Letter, and Email at Eleventh Grade of SMK Muhamammadiyah 1 Borobudur in Academic Year 2012/2013”. The objective of this result is to find out whether using Minimax book by Bob Dignen is effective or not to improve the students’ writing ability business letter and email at eleventh grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Borobudur. The type of this research is experimental. In this research, the researcher used two classes as the sample. They are 30 students as experiment class and 30 students as a control class. The researcher collected the data by giving pre-test and post-test to the sample.The result of this research revealed that using “Minimax book”is effective to improve the students’ writing ability. It proved that the result of t p value = 0.000/0.001 with t test 17,429, Paired sample test experiment class P value =0,001 with eror 5% or 0,005 it is indicate 95% data is valid.t value 17.429>t table Ha aceppted it means that the use of “Minimax book”by Bob Dignen improving student’s writing ability of business letter and email ability is effective.Moreover, the mean of pre-test result of the experiment class is 56,50, and the mean of post-test result is 82,17. It means that the mean of post-test is higher than mean of pre-test. It shows that using “Minimax book”gives a positive contribution toward the students’ writing ability business letter and email. The result of this research finding proved that the Hypothesis of research ( Ha ) is accepted. Moreover, the use of “Minimax book” improved student’s writing ability of business letter and email ability in the eleventh grade of business class SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Borobudur


Keywords: Minimax book, writing ability, Business letter and email

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ISSN. 2302-6677

Publisher: Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 3 & 6 Purworejo 54111, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia,, Telp: 0275-321494

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