The Analysis of Slang Words Found in Webtoon Entitled American Road Trip

Anni Fatimah, Zulia Chasanah, Juita Triana


Slang words are a unique language found in society. Formal language is used between teachers and students in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The objectives of this research are to identify the types of slang words and their formal language found in the Webtoon entitled American Road Trip and describe the application of the formal language from slang words found in this Webtoon in teaching vocabulary. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher found the total of slang words are 370 data. The most slang words used in this Webtoon are imitative type which is contains 38,4% from 142 words. The researcher found 31,6% from 117 words for fresh and creative type, 10,8% from 40 words for clipping type, 10% from 37 words for flippant type and 9,2% from 34 words for acronym type.

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