Ability of PPG Students in Designing English Subject Lesson Plan

Abdul Ngafif, Semi Sukarni, Puspa Dewi


This study aims to provide a broad overview of the students of professional teacher education abilities in designing lesson plan for English subject. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Using documentation as its secondary instrument, the researchers took lesson plan from 30 students of PPG program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo 2024. Employing interactive analysis model with seven criterias of lesson plan scoring from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, the researchers found that there is a positive raising trending score of the professional teacher education students. Starting from formulating learning objectives, measurability of learning objectives, depth lvel of learning objectives, ability in designing learning
material, until ability in choosing learning model, mostly in pre cycle, the score shows between 2.22 (lowest) to 4.77 (highest) which is belongs to poor category. In cycle 1, there is a raising score from 6.63 to 6.96 which is belongs to good category. In cycle 2, the score is between 8.25 to 8.56 which belongs to excellent category. From the score it can be seen that the students‘ ability in designing lesson plan of English subject close to
perfect in the end of cycle 2.

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